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The Mission of Columbian Elementary Parent Teacher Student Organization (PTSO) is to support Columbian students and staff throughout the academic year, with the goals of ensuring every child has the opportunity to be successful with the support of teachers, parents, and family.

We believe a committed PTSO offers the best possible learning environment for our students and our school. It is imperative to help our children be as successful as possible in the classroom. We promote their success by school fundraising, assisting in the classrooms, and fostering relationships between the school, parents, and teachers.

Columbian PTSO provides a non-biased forum for sharing information and ideas that affect our children and our school. Volunteers are welcomed and appreciated, so we encourage parents/guardians to stop by the office and sign up today! Being a PTSO volunteer makes such a difference in the lives of our children, our students, our teachers, and our school!